CarPC JoyCon converts car steering wheel remote controllers into a PC USB keyboard.
You can control MediaPlayer or front-ends (eg. CentraFuse) with your steering wheel audio remote controller.
As the buttons of your steering wheel controller are mapped to PC keys of your choice, you will be able to control any software which can be controlled with PC keys from a keyboard.
Supports Remote Wake-Up(You can wake-up your PC from sleep mode by pressing remote controller's button)
Supports Windows XP, Vista, Windows7
Supports "Mode Button" : "Mode Button" extends your steering wheel remote controller's function. You can assign one of the remote controller's button to "Mode Button". Preset is changed with "Mode Button" automatically. OSD is displayed when you change preset with "Mode Button" and you can hear different sound
Two adjustment is provided, so all resistance type remote controller works.
(0~100k ohm resistance output remote controller do not need adjustment.)